More and more individuals realize that starting a pet sitting business is a great way to make money while running your own company. It’s an ideal business for folks who enjoy working with animals. While their owners are away, you’ll look after the pets, brush them, feed them, and, of course, shower them with love, hugs, and friendship. Check out the house & pet sitting in Sydney tips on how and where to start a profitable pet sitting business:
Your Commitment to Time
If you’re thinking about beginning your own pet-sitting business, make a strategy first. Determine how much time you have available to care for pets. Add in the time it takes to get to and from their houses. You’ll know how to sell your services once you’ve determined this. Don’t take on more than you’re capable of.
Calculate How Much You Should Charge
Next, see whether anyone else in your region provides pet sitting services and how much they charge. You should also look into kennels so that you can provide competitive costs to your clientele. Consider how far you’re willing to travel to pet sit. Many pet sitters charge extra costs around the holidays, so keep that in mind. Pet sitters are in such high demand during the holidays that their time is often booked months in advance.
Which Pets Are You Going to Sit?
The second step is to pick the types of pets you wish to look after in your pet sitting service. Some people prefer small dogs and cats because they demand less labor and time than larger animals. Some pet sitters will look after a variety of animals, from hamsters to horses and fish, birds, mice, rabbits, and pigs. One of the impressive things about owning a business is that you get to pick and choose which pets you want to look after.
Forms keep a written record of your visit.
Most people who employ a pet sitting service consider their pets their children, and minor details are important to them. You should write a daily report to the owners detailing how you cared for the dogs. The owner will then see evidence that you are going above and beyond and sincerely caring for their loved ones. Leave a Welcome Back form to remind the owners to phone you when they arrive; be careful not to leave an abandoned pet since the owner missed their journey home!
The Pet Industry is Exploding
The house & pet sitting in Sydney is thriving. It’s a win-win situation for the pet owner, the company owner, and the pet. The pet owner knows their pets will be adequately cared for and can go on a work trip or vacation without stress, while the company owner gets to do what they love.