Factors to Consider When Overclocking Your Gaming Computer

If your gaming computer is getting old and cannot run the games fast enough, you do not need to throw the computer away and buy a new. Instead of that, you can overclock the computer to improve its performance. Overclocking is simple software activity that can help to make the computer less active. The worst thing that can happen to a PC gamer is to be saddled with a slow and unresponsive computer.  All you can do to put an end to this problem is to simply overclock your computer and it will turn out to be one of the best decisions of your life.  Overclocking will make the computer more useful than ever and will save you the cost of buying a new one to replace the old one. After overclocking, the old computer will start performing as if it is a new one entirely.  You can check here for more information about the benefits of overclocking your PC.

In the remaining part of this write-up, we will open your eyes to some of the things you need to take note of when you are overclocking your CPU.

Can you overclock?

Before you start overclocking your computer, you need to first find out if you can overclock the CPU or not.  Overclocking is best done with a desktop computer since you cannot find any laptop processor that accepts overclocking.  This is because the cooling system in a laptop is not as efficient as what you have in a desktop computer. So, you will not be able to overclock your CPU if you are using a laptop and not a desktop computer for computer gaming.

Check here for more information about why a desktop is the better choice for overclocking.  While desktop CPUs are the better choice for overclocking, you also need to bear in mind that not all desktop computers can be overclocked; this is because not all of them permit you to change their settings. You will also not be able to overclock if the motherboard does not permit that.

For overclocking to be possible, your desktop computer must have at least a mid-range motherboard. Overclocking possibility is limited in Intel unlike AMD. This is because Intel locked the overclocking capabilities of its Core processors.  Intel overclocking is, however, possible  in processor models that its model designer ends with a K, for example Core i7-10700K or Core i5—9600K.  Overclocking is rarely possible in desktop computers form HP or Dell.

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