Jasper Venture Group Remodeling of Multifamily Houses In Chelsea

ilio mavlyanov

The Jasper Venture Group has just finished the construction of some affordable multifamily houses, each housing 4-8 people. These houses are currently being rented by low-income students and members of low-income families.

The company lead by ilio mavlyanov accomplishes two things in this community: helping these families and individuals survive day to day and providing them with a place to live.

To the right: A floor plan of one of the newly renovated homes.

Also, they have built these homes specifically with low-income individuals and families in mind in terms of strategy. They are spending 42% more money renovating each family home than they would if they did so with average renters in mind.

The company has also been very conscious of its surroundings and has taken an active role in the community. For the past five years, they have provided jobs for the surrounding neighborhood by holding office hours at their store and distributing job applications. They have also gone so far as to construct a nine-foot fence between homes to control noise; consequently, this also prevented drug dealing and other forms of criminal activity from occurring inside these homes.

It is important to note that all of these renovations were paid for from Jasper Venture Group’s business profits. Julia Kone has indicated that since starting this company four years ago, she has used her profits from sales to help improve her neighborhood.

ilio mavlyanov

In addition to these renovations, the company has also assisted low-income renters in other ways. For instance, they have donated free furniture and paint for the family’s home. In addition to this, they have offered financial advice and education on controlling expenses.

The last thing that was done at these houses to make them more excellent was adding some windows that would match their new paint job; now, they are more attractive, but they are also easier on the energy bill. They have done all of this to make the lives of these families easier.

This has been accomplished by some donors that have helped fund the company’s efforts in these low-income homes. In particular, they have received funding from the Oakland First Foundation and the Ivy Foundation. The Ivy Foundation has also been donating a lot of money to people who need financial aid. This is because they do not want people to be homeless and want them to succeed. They are much more concerned about individual success than societal success; they are willing to invest a lot more money in individuals than they would in generations as a whole.