Plasma test reveals lot about your health

Plasma test reveals lot about your health

Plasma is a very important part of the blood which passes the nutrients, hormones and proteins to the body. Usually the plasma is a topic which people fail to remember to talk about, the conversations are always about white blood cells, red blood cells or platelets there is no question that they are not important but plasma also have it own role to play in our blood. The waste produces by the cells are also gathered by the plasma and later it helps in removing the waste. Doctors advise or ask for the plasma teat to be done to know someone’s overall health condition. There are many instruments which are used to test this like Agilent 7900 ICP-MS. It is a largest part of our body, it is present in our blood and if you separate plasma from the blood then it appears to be in yellow colour.

How it keeps you healthy

  • There are many component found in the plasma which is very important to cure many medical conditions. You might have seen that the government or the blood bank NGO’s conducting the drives to donate the plasma. Once the plasma is taken then they lab experts will separate the entire different component available in it and use them individual in different products to treat the patients.
  • There are many cases where the patients after this treatment have been living for long without any issues.
  • All cannot donate the plasma, they have to go through the some process and once there blood is declared to be safe and healthy for donating then only anyone can donate the blood.
  • When you are donating the plasma you can find different machine placed in that place which is actually used to separate the plasma and platelets from the blood. Once these are separated then the remaining components are infused back into your body.
  • There is another way of taking plasma is where the person blood is collected and later the plasma is taken out of it. The plasma once separated is frozen to be used in the hospital whenever required.
  • Plasma helps to dissolve the electrolytes in your body due to which the muscles work properly and regulates the blood.
  • Plasma also contains lot of proteins in it which are very important to our body. The albumin and alpha and beta globulins are made in liver. The gamma globulins are made in the immune system. The proteins which help in controlling the bleeding are also made in the liver.


Hope this information as removed all the confusion between the blood and plasma. Always be ready for donating blood or plasma as you can save many lives through it.

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